Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stella at 30

On my birthday each year, I reflect on how far I have come and my future plans while giving Glory to God. I often get emotional knowing how much God has been faithful to me i.e. from the little girl in Nigeria to being a wife and a mom.  

The road to thirty has been a journey to the horizon and I am proud of how things turned out.

I wish to share 30 life lessons I have learnt. Please share your thoughts and for my readers above thirty, what advice would you give for the BIG 30 and going forward?

1. Give thanks to God always - as long as there is life, there is hope and with God, all things are possible

2. Time is precious and the only guaranteed time is the present� choose you actions wisely

3. Surround yourself with like-minded people�show me your friends and I can tell you who you are.

4.  Family is everything.

5.  Go the extra mile

6.  Stay true to yourself�if it doesn�t make you feel good, stay away

7.   Build your legacy, not just your empire�Every great thing takes time, patience and persistence.

8.   Trust that when the answer is no, there is a better yes coming.

9.   Don�t let success make you proud and don�t let failure make you weak.

10.  Don�t feel bad about saying �no� to activities, obligations and people that don�t add genuine value to your life.

11.   Success is built on action. Work as hard as you can and have a good mind set.

12.   Learn to be a good listener.

13.  Show up for your friends. Your presence matters more than you might know.

14.  Seek out mentors for all aspects of your life

15.   Life is easier when you imagine an apology you may never receive.

16.   Do not hold grudges�the only person you are hurting is yourself. Forgiveness is power.

17.   Friendship requires constant energy, effort and time.

18.  When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

19.   Don�t let people�s opinion define you!!!

20.   The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be

21.   Learn to let go if it doesn�t serve you

22.   You don�t need everyone to like you�every friendship is not the same, so don�t expect everyone to love you the same

23.   Happiness comes from within

24.   You can count your closest friends one hand or less

25.   Make time for yourself

26.   Friendly people are not necessary your friends�be careful how much you open up to people

27.   �No one can make you feel inferior without your consent�- Eleanor Roosevelt

28.   Surround yourself with like-minded folks

29.   It is ok to change

30.  Never give up�some things might take longer 


Photographed by Kseniapro

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